Children go missing every day!

Sentry™ will significantly reduce that time and save the lives of many children.

The first hour is the most critical.

It is estimated that as many as 10 million American children care for themselves before or after school.

Many children today must get to school on their own. Some walk, ride a bike, or take the bus.

Tragically, many children never make it to school or return home.

When a child disappears, it is normally not known for many hours. By that time it is often is too late.

The hours before anyone knows they are missing are most precious!

Once a child goes missing, the first 24 hours after disappearance (not from when they are noticed missing) can make the difference between life and death.

If a child is abducted and not found within that hour, the chances of them being found alive diminishes with each passing hour.

After 72-hours most law enforcement personnel hope for the best but expect the worst.

Amber Alerts are not sent until many hours

later, after the parents find out the child did

not arrive at their destination.