For every missing person case, the critical time-period to start an investigation and search is immediately.

Sentry™ will reduce the tragic deaths and injury of those who are assaulted, raped, or have gone missing.

Every day, adults and children go missing. Tragically, most of them are not found until it is too late to save them. Some of their bodies are not found for days, weeks, months, or even years after they disappeared. Some are never found.

In addition, human trafficking has become a global epidemic.

Sentry ™ provides a proactive service that will reduce the time it takes for someone to find out that a person is in danger or is missing. This will result in the authorities being notified much faster so that a search and investigation can begin which will drastically increase the chance that the missing person can be rescued safely.

When a person goes missing, the first 24 hours after disappearance (not from when the person is noticed missing) can make the difference between life and death.